General Questions

Here are answers to frequently asked questions.  If you have other questions, please let us know in the contact section of our website.  You can also email us at info@boonvillenow.org

Boonville Now was created in 2011 with the main focus, at the time, of eliminating blight in Boonville.  The organization was highly successful in this endeavor.  Our focus is now becoming an Indiana Main Street Community with the emphasis on promoting Downtown Boonville and working with other organizations to do the same.

Boonville Now’s Vision is to have a community of diverse organizations and individuals that work together for the progress of our historic downtown.

Mission Statement:  Downtown Boonville will continue to be a great place to live, work, play and visit, by focusing on heritage, charm and small town feel the downtown has to offer.  Downtown Boonville will become a historically rich destination with a mix of unique and family-owned businesses, diverse activities, festivals, events, and recreational opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Q:  What is Boonville Now’s current focus?

A: Our plan for 2024 is to continue with the Summer Concerts in the Park Series.  Starting in June there will be a concert every 3rd Saturday.  We will also talk to the merchants about staying open late on those evenings.  Our weather backup plan is to have the concert at Trickey’s Brews and Bevs.

We are working with the Warrick County Commissioners, the City of Boonville and Warrick County Economic Development to preserve and renovate the historic buildings in the downtown historic district.

Boonville Now also continues in their partnership with the Boonville Merchants Association helping to make their major event (The Square Flair) a success.

Q:  How do I get involved with Boonville Now?

A: Go to our ABOUT page and COMMITTEE page and see which committee(s) you think fit your talents.  Once you decide where you think you can help, go to our contact us page and fill out the volunteer form or email us at info@boonvillenow.org.  We will be in touch.

Email Address


Phone Number

(812) 202-0430